Conservative Lawmakers Respond to Kamala Harris’ Call for Assault Weapons Ban

In the wake of a devastating attack by Hamas that resulted in the massacre of over 1,400 unarmed Israeli civilians, including police and soldiers, Vice President Kamala Harris called for an “assault weapons” ban.

Her statement, “Weapons of war have no place on the streets of a civil society,” sparked a strong reaction from conservative lawmakers who recognize this as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens.

Republican Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia was among the first to voice his opposition. He criticized the Biden administration for pushing what he termed a “radical anti-Second Amendment agenda” in the aftermath of such a tragedy.

According to Clyde, it is unconscionable to use the horrific events as a platform for promoting gun control.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, also from Georgia, echoed Clyde’s sentiments.

She accused Harris of attempting to undermine Americans’ right to self-defense while her policies led to a surge in crime and allowed the country to be infiltrated by criminals, gangs, and terrorists.

Greene went further to suggest that America needs a ban on politicians with communist ideologies, a clear jab at Harris.

Texas Representative Chip Roy had a succinct response to Harris’s call for an assault weapons ban, telling her to “Pound sand.” His hashtag, #SecureTheBorder, suggests that he believes the focus should be on border security rather than gun control.

Ohio’s Representative Warren Davidson also chimed in, implying Harris might be out of touch with current events. His tweet, “Maybe you missed some news? Not a chance. #2A,” indicates his staunch support for the Second Amendment.

Florida State Representative Randy Fine didn’t mince words in his response. He called Harris a “brain-dead imbecile” and suggested she consider the plight of Israelis living next to Gaza before advocating for an assault weapons ban.

In a video posted on Sunday, Harris accused unnamed individuals in Congress of pushing a “false choice” on gun control laws. She called for leaders with the courage to act and urged Congress to pass the assault weapons ban.