2024 Race Heats Up: DeSantis and Haley Vie for Second Place Behind Trump

The 2024 Republican presidential nomination race is intensifying, with Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis battling for the second spot behind the dominant front-runner, Donald Trump.

Haley, the former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the United Nations under the Trump administration, has seen a significant surge in her poll numbers both nationally and in key early-voting states.

Haley’s rise in popularity can be attributed in part to her strong performances in the first two Republican presidential debates. Her support doubled within a month, from 5% to 10%, according to a recent national poll.

Despite trailing behind Trump, who holds a commanding lead at 59%, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 13%, Haley’s momentum is undeniable.

Meanwhile, DeSantis, who had previously held the second place uncontested, remains a formidable contender. The Florida governor recently filed to place his name on New Hampshire’s GOP presidential primary ballot, marking his first return to the state in two months.

DeSantis also pledged to increase his presence in the state, planning town halls, house parties, speeches, and other activities to engage with voters. Despite Haley’s rise, DeSantis remains unfazed. When asked about his standing in the polls, he confidently stated, “we’re doing it right.”

He pointed to his extensive campaigning in Iowa, where he is nearing completion of stops in all 99 counties of the Hawkeye State. DeSantis emphasized the importance of earning votes through hard work and direct engagement with voters.

Haley, on the other hand, is not only relying on her debate performances and personal charisma. She is also receiving substantial financial backing. The Haley-aligned super PAC, Stand for America, confirmed a $6.6 million ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire, their largest to date.

Both candidates are making significant strides in their campaigns. DeSantis’ campaign has made a new $2 million ad reservation in Iowa, while Haley continues to gain traction in New Hampshire and her home state of South Carolina.

Both candidates are committed to earning every vote, with Haley stating, “we’re not going to stop until we do it.”

The 2024 Republican presidential nomination race is shaping up to be a fierce competition. While Trump remains the clear front-runner, the battle for second place between Haley and DeSantis is far from over. As the race continues, voters will be watching closely to see how these two formidable candidates perform.